13 December 2021

Where’s the beef?

Wow it’s been a while!

Have spent the last nearly-two-years in lockdown due to covid (how is this still going on??), and in that time fitness has been up and down. 2020 was my first “official” 10k, although in between signing up in January and running in May, it went from a proper event to “do it on your own and everyone gets a finishing medal.” I did run the full 10k though! 

In other news, my lungs are still poor, although I’m wondering if it’s my lungs that are the issue, or anemia? I’ve always been on the anemic side, despite taking iron for years. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of anemia. So maybe that’s what’s happening?

I’ve had all sorts of bloodwork done. My thyroid, kidneys, and liver are all top-notch. I have beautiful levels of B12. I had a GI scope (upper and lower) and my insides are perfect. Basically I am a picture of perfect health, except that RBC is the low edge of normal, dipping into anemia. Ferritin is in the basement (should be between 50 and 150; the highest I remember mine ever being is 18, and this year it’s slipped from 6 down to 5). I also have a higher than normal RDW, which refers to the size/width of red blood cells; basically they’re irregular from what I understand.

Years of Eurofer followed by a couple of years of Feramax have done nothing. Now I’m waiting for a referral to a haemotologist. 

Meanwhile, I switched to Palafer, at my doctor’s suggestion, and I’ve decided on top of that to increase my red meat intake. Far from vegetarian, I still don’t eat that much red meatwe usually have burgers on Wednesday and spaghetti and meatballs on Thursday, but that’s really it for beef. Once in a while I’ll have a steak for dinner, or marrow on toast, but not very frequently.

So, starting today, more beef! I just had liver and onions for lunch, and have a steak planned for dinner tomorrow. Friday morning, blood pudding for breakfast. Sunday, beef stew for dinner. Will keep this up until my next round of bloodwork and see if it helps!

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