13 December 2022


My fitness tracker website died!

For years—decades almost—I used fitday.com to track my diet, excercise, body measurements, periods, moods, you name it. It was kinda rickety and some of the functionality broke over time, but it still worked well enough for my purposes and more importantly it had years worth of my data! 

I suppose I should have seen this coming but it would have been nice if we had been given any kind of warning. Grr.

So now... any suggestions for good trackers? Free, track nutrition and exercise at a minimum?


08 December 2022

Doctors hate her for this one simple trick

A month since I posted? Whoops!

I have been keeping up with walking, cycling, and trying to tap. I am no Ann Miller, but I like to think I’m less bad than when I started?

Anyway, here’s a little chart showing my weight change over the past year. It’s a comfort to see it all laid out—a consistent downward trend, as long as I keep tracking! Other things I think help: remembering vitamins, eating meat every day for iron, getting good sleep, and therapy. Where my feelings are at makes a huge difference in how I take care of myself. I don’t sleep well when I’m anxious. And if I don’t go to bed on time, I’ll eat junk food. 

I guess that’s my number one heath thing: sleep. Without good sleep, everything else falls apart—I feel anxious, I don’t exercise, and I eat junk. 

But they’re all interconnected. I sleep better when I exercise and do my therapy homework. I eat better when I do those things, too. But I can’t/don’t do them if I haven’t been getting good sleep.

Or maybe my number one thing is vitamins. If I don’t take my vitamins and iron, I am ravenous. And especially without iron, I get restless legs, which keeps me up. 

I guess maybe everything is my number one? I guess I should abandon the idea of a “number one” altogether!

There is no one. There is only all, interconnected.

Weight report over time, showing 13 lb loss over previous 12 months