27 October 2013

One step forwards, two steps back

Well, yesterday I had a “turning point” (I won’t go into detail, TMI) and thought, “This is it, I’m going to be feeling better!”

And then today, I overdid it.

And by “overdid it,” I mean, I ate a bagel.

I walked all the way to the bakery by myself (there and back, maybe a quarter mile), bought a raisin bagel, toasted it, and ate it with peanut butter.

It tasted so good. but it was like being hit by a truck. I slept for a good four hours.

So, clearly I need to slow down, or something.

But, shades of three years ago when I started this blog, I am finding it really difficult to get anywhere near 1,000 calories a day. I top up with pear nectar and ginger ale just to get a few calories. Gah, I should probably start drinking those bodybuilder drinks again. Or “Boost.” Or at least eggnog.

But how will my belly take it?

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