21 May 2023

Can’t get you out of my head

I keep thinking about this post I saw in a discussion forum, from a person who was teetering on the edge of pre-diabetes and starting medication for that.

In America, so insurance arguing it’s not covered, and having to pay out of pocket. That’s a rant for another day.

What really struck me was their math—figuring that the cost of their meds (over $500/month) would be recouped by eating only one meal a day, instead of 2 + snacks.

I am pretty frugal, and prices are going up, but $500/month is what I spend on groceries for myself + my teenage kid who is with me over 70% of the time. And that’s Canadian dollars! $500 USD would be (quickly googles) $674 CAD at the moment (ugh). I never get close for that for two people, unless we’re hosting a party or something. And that was just part of what they were spending on food for one person. Say 2/3 of their per person food budget. That would add up to $2,000/month for two people! Four times what I spend! Just can’t wrap my head around it. I don’t understand how it adds up, unless you’re eating out every day, or eating all prepared/processed foods instead of cooking.

Of course, now that I type that, I am quietly nodding my head, because yep, I have encountered many Americans over the years who eat all kinds of processed and prepared foods. I guess there are Canadians who eat like that too but I just don’t hang out with them? I always remember years ago, seeing someone (American) post something in a cooking forum about buttermilk, and someone else (American) suggest “full fat buttermilk,” and I asked wasn’t buttermilk typically low fat because it’s what’s left after all the fat has gone into the butter, and they responded, “They don’t make it that way anymore, it’s all processed so they can leave the fat in.” And all I could think was, what a perfect metaphor for mainstream America, everything processed with extra fat included. And I mean I love my fat, don’t get me wrong. It’s the whole extra processing to make food faker that gets me. Buttermilk with extra fat. There’s also low-fat milk with extra protein. All kinds of processed foods that people eat while at the same time proclaiming carrots or whatever to be unhealthy. Take things out! Put things in! Synthesize “paleo” ice cream just like the cave man ate! Or fake fat potato chips that give you diarrhoea! Your body doesn’t know what it’s getting! And then wonder why you’re unhealthy. 

It’s funny because I know Americans who say they would never live here because taxes, but if the groceries are that much more? And healthcare? I think we definitely have the better deal north of 49.

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