12 September 2022

On aging

Yesterday I was at a multi-generational event for the first time in a long time, with people I had not seen in a long time. I was struck by how the older members of the congregation who were struggling the most with mobility had so little muscle, regardless of how much body fat they carried. I know people sometimes talk about carrying extra weight being a protection against the wasting that happens with age and illness, but seeing such a variety of people and bodies really drove home that it’s not just extra weight that helps, it’s extra muscle. If I’m going to eventually lose muscle mass for one reason or another, I want to make sure I have a lot of it to start with! 

So I guess that means more protein, more exercise. Especially core strength. My legs are already pretty muscular, but I could use more strength through my back, abs, and arms. Seeing the effects on posture of using a walker, and just the general struggles to push oneself up out of a chair, or pull oneself along a railing, arm strength is definitely not something to neglect!

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