11 January 2012

january update

what a hectic week: taking a class and preparing for kiddo's birthday party.

being in class all day (and one night) means i'm not getting to my afternoon snack - a piece of fruit. i made time today to eat a pear i'd been carrying since monday! i'm just glad it survived the trek. my brain is really burned out from thinking, and i've been up late getting stuff done around the house, but i did manage to walk to work yesterday and today took a little stroll at lunch and even did a bit of tai chi. still need to get to the bike store to get my flat tires replaced. one of these days.

i'm also getting back in the habit of taking my supplements. it's so easy to lose the habit and so difficult to get back in. but it really does seem to make a difference, so i really do need to make the effort. especially since the carpentry and whatnot i've been doing around the house (and honestly, no way could i have done that last year) is taking its toll.

here's to an eventual moment of relaxation at some point!!

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