Well I'm sick. Not terribly surprising since my husband was nursing a chest cold, and my *#(&$ pharmacy and *#($) doctor's office wasted a lot of time refilling my inhaler prescription, so I had to go without for a few days last week. I had called Shoppers Drugmart almost two weeks ago to get it refilled, but they have a new automated system I couldn't get past, and you can't call for a refill without your previous prescription (there's a reference number that you need to enter). So it took me a day or to to get it together to call again. The system told me my prescription would be ready the next day, but when I dragged myself out into the -18 weather against my better judgment it wasn't ready, because my doctor hadn't replied to the faxed request. I know my doctor, and I know her staff, and I will bet a dollar that the secretary who received it did not pass it along (she completely messed up a referral for a pulmonary function test last spring, but that's another story). When I called the next day (a full week after I had initially tried to call in the refill) she said she'd "try" to get it done that day, and I was pretty grouchy about insisting that she must as I'd been without my inhaler for two days at that point.
I think it's time to look for a new doctor - unless I can encourage her to fire her incompetent staff? I am definitely never going to Shoppers Drugmart again. They always disappoint.